Is there a way to differentiate between Ripple secp256k1 or ed25519 curves judging by an address?

Suppose I want to verify if the user controls certain Ripple address. For Bitcoin/Ethereum this is simple as they use single cryptographic curve — I ask to sign the message with private key, extract public key from signature, hash it to produce an address and compare address with provided one. For Tezos this is more complex as it uses 3 curves, but from the address you can easily understand which curve to use.

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However, for Ripple, according to, address encoding does not take into account cryptographic curve. If you Base58-decode address, you will get first byte always 00, which won’t tell you which curve has been used. Then I will need to ask the user to identify which curve has been used to derive public key which eventually produced the address, from private key. Is my understanding correct?

In addition, am I right assuming that for Ed25519, you cannot validate signature without having public key, unlike with secp256k1 where you can extract public key from signature?

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