Trump impeachment trial day 10: All the latest updates

Trump impeachment trial day 10: All the latest updates
Trump impeachment trial day 10: All the latest updates

The impeachment trial of US President Donald Trump moved into its second day of senator questions on Thursday, nearing the end of the initial phase of the proceedings.

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On Wednesday, Republican and Democratic senators, alternating in submitting their written questions that were read aloud by presiding officer Chief Justice John Roberts, attempted to challenge or support the narratives presented over the previous six days of arguments by House managers and the president’s lawyers.


  • Trump impeachment trial: Who are the key players?

  • What evidence has come out since Trump was impeached?

  • What happened in the Senate impeachment trial of Bill Clinton?

During Wednesday’s questioning, Trump’s lawyers, in one particularly noteworthy response, argued that even if Trump had withheld aid from Ukraine in exchange for investigations into his rivals, he should still not be removed from office if he believed he was acting in the public interest in securing his re-election.

Meanwhile, Democrats largely focused their time on rebutting the claims made in the defence’s case, while stressing the need for more documents and evidence in the trial.

The proceedings will move next, likely on Friday, into the much-anticipated debate over whether more evidence — including subpoenaing witnesses and documents — will be permitted. That debate has grown more fraught in recent days, with reported revelations in a draft book by former National Security Advisor John Bolton further stoking Democrats calls for him to testify.

As the trial moves into the second day of the question and answer portion, here are all the latest updates as of Thursday, January 30:

Democratic senators ask who’s paying Giuliani

Democratic Senators Tammy Duckworth, Jack Reed, and Kamala Harris asked both the House managers and the defence who is paying Giuliani’s international travel, legal fees or other expenses.

’The short answer to the question is, I don’t know who’s paying Rudy Giuliani’s fees,’ lead House manager Adam Schiff said, adding, but ‘if other clients are paying and subsidising his work in that respect, it raises profound questions’.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks during a rally to support a leadership change in Iran outside the U.N. headquarters in New York City
Democratic senators asked who was paying the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, as he worked in Ukraine on the president’s behalf [File: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters]

Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow, for his part, referenced Hunter Biden sitting of the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his father oversaw the fight against corruption in the country.

’And you’re concerned about what Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer, was doing when he was over trying to determine what was going on in Ukraine?’ Sekulow said.

Braun: Republicans discussed possibility of 50-50 tie

Republicans have discussed what happens in the event of a 50-50 tie in motions voted on in the Senate impeachment, particularly whether new evidence will be allowed, Senator Mike Braun told reporters on Thursday.

’There’s a lot of uncertainty in terms of what happens with the presiding officer,’ said Braun.

Because Chief Justice John Roberts is constitutionally mandated to preside over a presidential impeachment, he theoretically, like the vice president who fills the role in regular Senate proceedings, has the power to break a vote tie.

However, the chief justice could not vote and the motion would not pass, as it would fail to meet the simple majority of 51 votes. Republicans currently hold 53 seats in the 100-seat chamber.

Report: Nadler says it ‘might be’ good idea for House to subpoena Bolton if testimony not permitted in Senate

The head of the US House Judiciary committee has said it might be a good idea for the House of Representatives to subpoena President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton if the Senate does not call him as an impeachment trial witness, CNN reported.

’If tomorrow’s vote fails, they will not permit him or anyone else to testify. I expect he’ll talk publicly and we will see,’ panel chairman Jerrold Nadler said on Thursday, according to a CNN reporter on Twitter.

Asked if he thought it would be a good idea for the House to subpoena him, Nadler said, ‘That might be’.

John Bolton
Democrats are calling for former National security adviser John Bolton to testify in the impeachment trial [File: Luis M. Alvarez/The Associated Press]

Dershowitz challenges critics to a town hall debate

President Donald Trump defence lawyer Alan Dershowitz, whose controversial argument on Wednesday has been widely pilloried, challenged critics to a town-hall style debate.

Dershowitz, tweeting during Thursday’s proceedings, said: ‘I challenge my critics — especially those who are deliberately misinterpreting my arguments — to a Lincoln/Douglas-type town hall debate in which name calling is prohibited and intellectual arguments must be responded to with other intellectual arguments.’

I challenge my critics – especially those who are deliberately misinterpreting my arguments – to a Lincoln/Douglas-type town hall debate in which name calling is prohibited and intellectual arguments must be responded to with other intellectual arguments. (MTC)

— Alan Dershowitz (@AlanDersh) January 30, 2020

Dershowitz had argued on Wednesday that a president could not be impeached for how they try to secure re-election if they thought that their re-election was in the public interest.

On Thursday, he accused the media of the intentionally misinterpreting his statements, and said he was actually arguing that a president could not be impeached if the motives behind their action included both the service of public interest and their re-election interests.

He said that a president could be impeached if they committed a crime or ‘an impeachable act…But a lawful act — holding up funds, sending troops to vote, braking a promise about Syria — does not become unlawful or impeachable if done with a mixed motive of both promoting the public interest and helping his Re-election’.

Trump’s defence argues that withholding requested witnesses and documents is not a sign of guilt

President Donald Trump defence lawyer Patrick Philbin said that House managers suggesting that the president’s categorical refusal to provide documents and witnesses from his administration during the House impeachment inquiry indicates guilt is ‘contrary to the very spirit of our American justice system’.

Philbin said that Trump using ‘constitutionally grounded prerogatives of his office’ is within his rights, and refusing to waive those rights cannot be interpreted as a guilt.

White House says Democrats aren’t answering questions about ‘whistle-blower and potential conflict of interest’

The White House, in a tweet, said ‘there are many questions and concerns about the alleged whistleblower and potential conflicts of interest’.

’Democrats aren’t answering any of them,’ the tweet continued.

There are many questions and concerns about the alleged whistleblower and potential conflicts of interest.

Democrats aren’t answering any of them.

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) January 30, 2020

Chief Justice declines to read Paul’s question

Chief Justice John Roberts has declined to read Republican Senator Rand Paul’s question.

On Wednesday, Paul’s question was rejected because it named the whistle-blower whose complaint lead to the House inquiry.

My question today is about whether or not individuals who were holdovers from the Obama National Security Council and Democrat partisans conspired with Schiff staffers to plot impeaching the President before there were formal House impeachment proceedings.

— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 30, 2020

Why didn’t the House reissue subpoenas after it passed the impeachment resolution?

The question and answer portion has restarted, with Democratic Senator Patty Murray asking the House managers ‘Why didn’t the House reissue subpoenas after it passed the impeachment resolution?’

Paul to push for his question to be read

Republican Senator Rand Paul is expected to push for his question — which named the whistle-blower whose complaint launched the investigation — to be read during the Senate trial on Thursday, the New York Times reported.

Paul’s question had previously been rejected on Wednesday.

’Senator Paul believes it is crucial the American people get the full story on what started the Democrats’ push to impeach President Donald Trump, as reports have indicated Obama appointees at the National Security Council may have discussed organizing an impeachment process in advance of the whistle-blower complaint,’ Mr. Paul’s office said in the statement, the newspaper reported.

rand paul
Senator Rand Paul has pushed for a question that would out the whistle-blower [File: Jacquelyn Martin/The Associated Press]

Pelosi: Trump will ‘not be acquitted’ if no witnesses are called in Senate trial

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in her weekly news conference, has said President Donald Trump’s acquittal would be meaningless if no new witnesses or documents are presented in the trial.

’He will not be acquitted,’ Pelosi said. ‘You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial, and you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and documentation and that.’

McConnell says in regards to a vote on impeachment on Friday: ‘We will see what tomorrow brings’

When asked on Thursday if a vote on acquitting the president could happen on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: ‘We will see what tomorrow brings,’ ABC News reported.

A vote on whether new evidence will be submitted is expected for Friday. If it does not pass, many Republicans have expressed the desire to end the trial quickly.

Two Republican sources told the news network that McConnell has indicated he has the votes to strike down a motion to introduce witnesses.

Schumer says he didn’t take Dershowitz’s class at Harvard: ‘That’s why my arguments are cogent’

Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Harvard law school graduate, took a shot at Trump’s defence lawyer Alan Dershowitz, a professor emeritus of law at the prestigious college, before the tenth day of the impeachment trial.

When asked during a news conference if Schumer took Dershowitz’s class, he responded: ‘No. That’s why my arguments are cogent.’

Durbin fears ‘John Bolton’s manuscript is in the same desk drawer as the president’s tax returns’

Democratic Senator Richard Durbin raised scepticism over the National Security Council’s claim that Bolton’s draft book contains classified information and may not be published in its current form.

Durbin said he feared ‘John Bolton’s manuscript is in the same desk drawer as the president’s tax returns.’ The president, despite prior promises, has never released his tax returns.

Dershowitz backtracks on impeachment trial statements

Trump Lawyer Alan Dershowitz has backtracked on an argument he made on Wednesday that a president cannot be impeached if they believed they were acting in the public interest to secure their re-election.

On Wednesday, Dershowitz said: ‘Every public official that I know believes that his election is in the public interest. And mostly you’re right. Your election is in the public interest. And if a president did something that he believes will help him get elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment.’

I did not say or imply that a candidate could do anything to reassure his reelection, only that seeking help in an election is not necessarily corrupt, citing the Lincoln and Obama examples. Critics have an obligation to respond to what I said, not to create straw men to attack.

— Alan Dershowitz (@AlanDersh) January 30, 2020

On Thursday, in a tweet, he said: ‘I did not say or imply that a candidate could do anything to reassure his reelection, only that seeking help in an election is not necessarily corrupt, citing the Lincoln and Obama examples. Critics have an obligation to respond to what I said, not to create straw men to attack.’

Trump resumes attacks on Schiff

Trump resumed attacks on the House manager leading the case for his removal from office.

On Thursday, before the tenth day of the impeachment trial, Trump, after quoting the Fox News programme Fox and Friends, said Schiff’s home district is in ‘terrible shape’. He went on to call Schiff a ‘corrupt pol’ and ‘mentally deranged’.

’Schiff blasted for not focusing on California homeless.’ @foxandfriends His District is in terrible shape. He is a corrupt pol who only dreams of the Impeachment Hoax. In my opinion he is mentally deranged!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2020

Former federal prosecutor calls Dershowitz argument ‘outrageous’

An argument made by defence lawyer Alan Dershowitz that a president cannot be impeached if they commit misdeeds in order to gain re-election if they believe they are acting in the public interest is ‘outrageous’, a former federal prosecutor told Al Jazeera.

’As Representative Adam Schiff responded, it just can’t be the case that a president can solicit assistance from a foreign government as long as it helps him politically,’ Barb McQuade, a former federal prosecutor and law professor at University of Michigan, told Al Jazeera on Thursday responding to Dershowitz comments from the day prior.

Trump impeachment
Senator Lisa Murkowski is considered a possible swing vote [File: Patrick Semansky/The Associated Press]

While McQuade said many senators on Wednesday ‘were merely tossing softballs to their own side to give them an opportunity to make arguments favorable to their position’, she said some key senators appear to be using the questions portion to make up their mind.

’Senators [Lisa] Murkowski and [Susan] Collins asked if Trump ever showed any interest in corruption in Ukraine before Joe Biden announced his candidacy for president. Senator Romney asked the date Trump ordered the freeze on military aid, perhaps trying to understand his motive,’ she said of three Republican senators considered possible swing votes.

‘On Thursday, I will be looking for more questions from these three senators that indicate a genuine interest in understanding the case and deciding whether to remove the president from office,’ she said.

All eyes on a few Republican senators

With a vote on whether or not new evidence — including subpoenaing witnesses and documents — is expected for Friday, attention has turned to just a few Republicans who could possibly break from party ranks and give Democrats the majority they need.

Such a move would likely draw the ire of restless colleagues who want the lengthy proceeding to come to an end. That end would likely be swift if no new information is allowed in the trial, as a very unlikely two-thirds majority vote is needed to remove the president from office.

To date, only Republican Senator Mitt Romney has said he wants to hear from former National Security Advisor Bolton in light of revelations reported earlier this week. Several other Republicans are considered open to more witnesses — including Susan Colllins, Lisa Murkowski, and Lamar Alexander.

On Wednesday, two closely-watched senators, Martha McSally and Cory Gardner, Republicans facing re-election in swing states, said they would not vote for more witnesses.

I have heard enough. It is time to vote.

— Martha McSally (@SenMcSallyAZ) January 30, 2020

Who is Trump’s defence team?

Read more about the key senators in the trial here.

Interactive — Trump impeachment

Who are the House managers?

Seven House managers presented the case for Trump’s removal from office and spent Wednesday fielding senators’ questions.

Interactive — Trump impeachment managers

What happened on Wednesday?

In a striking shift from President Trump’s claim of ‘perfect’ dealings with Ukraine, his defence asserted on Wednesday that a trade of US military aid for political favours — even if proven — could not be grounds for his impeachment.

Trump’s defence lawyer Alan Dershowitz told senators that every politician conflates his own interest with the public interest. If Trump thought working to secure his re-election was in the public interest: ‘It cannot be impeachable,’ he said.

Meanwhile, Democrats pressed hard to force the Senate to call more witnesses to testify, but new revelations from former National Security Advisor Bolton were countered by the president’s lawyers, who used Wednesday’s unusual question-and-answer session to warn off prolonging the proceeding, insisting senators have heard enough.

Read more about what happened here.

This artist sketch depicts White House counsel Pat Cipollone speaking in the Senate chamber during the impeachment trial against President Donald Trump [File: Dana Verkouteren/The Associate Press]

Catch up on what happened since the start of the trial?

As the tenth of the impeachment trial begins, catch up on what has happened over the last two weeks.

The trial officially began with a ceremonial start on January 16 that saw the swearing-in of Chief Justice Roberts, who is presiding over the proceedings, and the 100 members of the Senate.

The next week began with nearly 12 hours of debate culminating in senators voting along partisan lines to approve Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s rules resolution. Meanwhile, 11 amendments introduced by Democrats were blocked. Read more about that day here.

The Democratic House managers then presented their arguments for three days on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, followed by Trump’s defence arguments Saturday, Monday , and Tuesday.

SOURCE: Al Jazeera and news agencies

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