Endgame’s Thanos Battle Scene Recut With Social Justice Avengers

The iconic portals scene from Avengers: Endgame has been edited to reflect those currently fighting for an end to police brutality.

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The iconic portals scene from Avengers: Endgame has been edited to reflect the real life social justice Avengers currently fighting for an end to police brutality. It’s been over a year since Endgame blasted its way into theaters, and the impact of several of its biggest moments hasn’t been diminished. The portals scene in particular has become a favorite among fans, as it is the moment when all the characters who died in Avengers: Infinity War come back to life in triumphant fashion. The moment has been parodied, inspired other pieces of fan works, and even sparked an amazing reaction from crowds that has since gone viral.

This new video was inspired by recent events in the United States, all of which were triggered by the tragic death George Floyd. On May 25, Floyd, an African American man, died after being pinned to the ground by a white police officer, who pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. His death, along with those of other unarmed black men and women, sparked protests across the United States as people seek justice for Floyd. The protests have even spread to other countries, and more than a few celebrities have found ways to get involved. In a particularly notable example, Star Wars actor John Boyega gave a moving speech at a London protest.

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The number of people who have joined the Black Lives Matter movement in recent days is staggering, as someone was quick to note on social media. This inspired user vantaeotsvn to take the portals scene from Endgame and attribute the various groups who have united for this fight to the numerous heroes present in the scene. For example, the protesters themselves are represented by Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth), while Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) becomes those who have donated money to various organizations. You can see the video at this link here.

This isn’t the first time this year the portals scene from Endgame has been altered to reflect real life heroes. Back in March, graphic artist BossLogic edited an image from the scene to turn Cap, Thor, and the others into doctors fighting the coronavirus pandemic. At a time when so many turn to fictional heroes for escapism and entertainment, it’s important to remember those who are fighting the real battles.

Marvel Studios was one of the many brands and corporations to issue statements giving support to the Black Lives Matter movement in recent days. This is undoubtedly a difficult time for many, but as the Endgame video proves, it’s also brought together countless groups of people to fight for what is right. The Avengers would be proud.

More: Riverdale Star Cole Sprouse Arrested At Black Lives Matter Protest

Source: vantaeotsvn/Twitter

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