Hayward fatal shooting suspect identified
Hayward fatal shooting suspect identified

A 53-year-old man fatally shot in Hayward on Sunday has been identified.

Об этом сообщает FLB

HAYWARD — A man shot to death Sunday morning was identified by authorities Wednesday as 53-year-old Carlos Garcia of Hayward.

Another man who was also shot is recovering. His name or age have not been released and police have not said what their relationship was.

The two men were found about 3:10 a.m. Sunday in the 2700 block of Manon Avenue after police responded to reports of shots fired.

Garcia was pronounced dead at the scene and the other man was taken to a hospital.

Police have not released a motive or announced any arrests.

The case remains an ongoing investigation as witnesses are identified and evidence is gathered.

Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Sangha at 510-293-7176.

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