BIP34, BIP66 and BIP65 should have been enforced at unique block heights. Why do different sources claim different block heights for enforcement?

Inconsistent Consensus/Activation of BIPs

Об этом сообщает Футляр от виолончели


Activated Block Height 227,835 (BitMEX Reference)

Activated Block Height 227,930 (Bitcoin Developer Reference)

Activated Block Height 227,931 (Github Reference)


Activated Block Height 363,724 (Previous Question)

Activated Block Height 363,725 (Github Reference)

Activated Block Height 363,731 (BitMEX Reference)


Activated Block Height 388,380 (BitMEX Reference)

Activated Block Height 388,381 (Github Reference)

Confusing Documentation

BIP34 says it activates when 950 out of 1000 blocks signal for Version 2. It is not clear if this includes the current block or refers to previous blocks

BIP66 says it activates when 950 of the previous 1000 blocks signal for Version 3. However, the client notes say 951 of the previous 1001 blocks. Then BIP66 says it activates using the protocol of BIP34. Now we have three possible methods. They do not match up.

Any advice on what is going on here?

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