Coronavirus Australia latest updates: unions, employers and government negotiate industrial relations reforms – live news

Industrial relations roundtables begin today in Sydney with an agenda to regrow the jobs Australians have lost as a result of Covid-19. Follow live

Об этом сообщает Алексей Пивоваров

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Labor’s Andrew Giles wants the government to support an anti-racism campaign, now that lockdowns are easing and the initial panic over Covid-19 is passing:

Racism has been on the rise during the Covid-19 pandemic. There have been reports of some shocking incidents of abuse directed at Chinese-Australians.

This is why Labor has been calling for a new national anti-racism campaign, as part of a strategy to confront racism.

Asked what she thought when she saw the footage attached to this story:

Related: Sydney police officer under investigation after slamming Indigenous boy face-first on to pavement

I think I thought what most Australians thought, and that is — we still have a long way to go in our country.

And I appreciate the actions the police have taken in relation to that in terms of restricting the duties of the officer involved. They’re investigating the matter.

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