10 Character Inconsistencies In Outlander | ScreenRant

After five seasons, Outlander has developed and introduced a myriad of characters. But some inconsistencies were bound to come up!

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A timeless saga as long as Outlander and one which is filled with a gazillion memorable characters is bound to have a few slips. So, when that happens, just take it with a grain of salt because nothing is perfect.

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Speaking of inconsistencies, sometimes, the show behaved slightly out of its canon, sometimes a few threads were left untied (some unintentionally and the others on purpose) and sometimes the characters behaved a lot differently than they were meant to. We saw more than one such instance on the show. Here are ten character inconsistencies in our favorite show Outlander!

10 Geillis Duncan

Geillis overall looks like a passionate woman who deeply cares for the Jacobite cause and wants to help the Bonnie Prince. This changed abruptly when she just emerged as an evil witch who was killing for pleasure.

We had come to see Geillis as an opportunist who had her reasons for whatever she did but seducing a child, threatening a friend (whom you had saved from death), and killing a person were not her canon.

9 Laoghaire MacKenzie

When Claire comes back to Jamie and she confronts him about his marriage with Laoghaire, he professes his love for Claire out loud.

Overhearing this, Laoghaire gets mad and shoots at Jamie with his pistol. Now, we all know Laoghaire is immature, but shooting at Jamie is way over the top.

8 Murtagh Fraser

After the dungeons rescue, Jamie, Claire, and Murtagh plan to move to France and at this point, Murtagh reinstates his vow to Jamie that he will always follow him and do his bidding. This is a vow he has been following since Jamie’s childhood.

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But in season 4, something comes over Murtagh and he not only decides to establish himself as a Regulator, he does so very openly, which puts everyone at risk. He doesn’t seem to remember his vow anymore nor abide by it.

7 Dougal Mackenzie

Dougal is a character of multiple layers and that’s what makes him interesting. But he had maintained a level of decency overall… until he didn’t. In the 7th episode, season 1, Dougal got Jamie and Claire married.

He and his men made sure they consummated the marriage too. Later when Claire came downstairs to get some air, Dougal basically proposed her to sleep with him too, alongside Jamie. This was not expected of a man like Dougal.

6 Brianna Randall Fraser

In an episode, Brianna wants to make love to Roger, but he doesn’t want to establish a physical relationship before marriage. Roger doesn’t behave the least bit supportive when Brianna is raped and thrashes her instead.

He didn’t like the news of her pregnancy either and didn’t want to accept or even bring the child in the world. And despite all of this, Brianna who is so headstrong and iron-willed agrees to marry Roger!

5 Frank Randall

Frank is a historian and from the start of the series, he has been shown to be very interested in his history. He even spends most of his daytime at his host’s home trying to leaf through the books and records detailing his ancestry.

But when Claire comes back from the past having actually met the king of France and even Bonnie Prince Charles Stuart (not to mention, Black Jack Randall) and tells him the truth, he didn’t even show a speck of professional interest in digging deeper.

4 Jack Randall

Sure Captain Randall has one or two good bits, but he has seldom proved himself to be a man of his words. In the dungeons, when he runs into Claire in Jamie’s cell, he promises to Jamie to free her and escort her out safely, in order to earn his trust and bend him to his pervert wishes. Surprisingly, he delivers his promise this time.

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Previously, in an episode when Claire came to talk to him, he promised he would help her, but, soon after we found him sexually assaulting her!

3 Jenny Fraser Murray

Jenny has been shown to be pretty mature, understanding, and good-natured overall. But the way she forced Jamie to marry Laoghaire just so he stays nearby, is way out of her character. Also, the way she handled the situation when Claire came back in time after their wedding, was uncalled for and very evil.

2 Jamie Fraser

Jamie has been an emotionally expressive man throughout the series, but the way he handled the reunion with his long lost daughter Brianna seemed odd. In the books, a whole chapter is dedicated to the event and in the series, forget celebration or excitement, Jamie doesn’t even loudly acknowledge it.

Aside from this, some fans have also noticed the age inconsistencies with Jamie’s character. At the start of the 1st season, Jamie was around 23 years old and he is in his mid-50s in the 5th season; and yet, Jamie does not look like he has aged much at all, in comparison with Claire.

1 Claire Fraser

The second season of Outlander shocked the fans of the show and the book series alike because no one was expecting the first episode to start from the point it did.

In a nutshell, Jamie wanted Claire to go back to the present time because she was pregnant and the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden was pretty uncertain. Say whatever you like, but, the way she left Jamie readily and went back to her own time to Frank, was so not Claire!

NEXT: Outlander: 10 Most Confusing Aspects Of The Timeline, Ranked

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