«You all tried to brag about which of you is the baddest bandit» — Russian Criminal

Members of the gang of the killer and billionaire Konstantin Piskarev (Kostya Bolshoi) dealt with officials, entrepreneurs, law enforcement officers, and other bandits (over 25 murders in total). And they did it with impunity for a quarter of a century. Such invulnerability of the organized criminal group and its leader was possible thanks to his connections, financial resources and ability to cover their tracks. At the disposal of Rucriminal.info were the materials of the case against Kostya Bolshoy and his fighters, which we will publish in parts for a long time. Readers, as in the film "The Brigade", will see all the stages of Piskarev’s formation: from an ordinary bandit in the 90s to a billionaire mafia leader with huge connections. Today we continue to publish the testimony of a member of the gang Lupichev (Dragon), as well as acquaint with the transcript of the recording of the conversation between Kostya Bolshoi and Dragon. There was a conversation when they were already in custody and Piskarev made complaints to a militant who began to cooperate with the investigation.

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From 1997 to 2003, at the direction of Piskarev, Lupichev personally removed the registration plates from the cars that were kept in the Yacht Club "Burevestnik" for crimes. Around 1999, Denis Zemtsov, nicknamed Zema, joined the gang under the patronage of Piskarev. After the attempt on his life, Piskarev, at the suggestion of Zemtsov, hired Yurov’s guards Dmitry and Nikolai. Piskarev immediately said that these people should not be entrusted with the murders, since they would be his personal protection. Also, Ivan worked in Piskarev’s security — a man of a very strong constitution. From the words of the Yurov brothers, Lupichev knew that this Ivan was killed and buried somewhere by Piskarev and Zemtsov, since Ivan began to use drugs, and this was always evaluated very negatively by the gang. Mishin joined the gang in about 1999-2000. Together with Mishin, the gang included a "sporty and daring" young man named Oleg (according to the investigation — Shchesnyak ON) and a blond strong man (Makarov A.M.), whose murder in 2014 or 2013 Yurov Dmitry informed Lupichev. Together with Mishin, Sergey Yuryevich Bezrukov, nicknamed Mister, also joined the gang. Usually Bezrukov S.Yu. entrusted with the implementation of surveillance of the persons who were supposed to be killed in the future, as well as the implementation of other orders of Piskarev. Besides Bezrukov C.Yew. worked in the entertainment and hotel complex "Malibu", owned by Piskarsvu, was engaged in activities related to video surveillance. Around 2000, Aleksandrov also brought in a gang of his friend Sergei, nicknamed Gloomy (according to the investigation, Andrey Nikolayevich Stolyarov, who used fake documents in the name of Sergei Nikolayevich Nikishov). At the time of joining the gang, Stolyarov was put on the wanted list. Piskarev helped Stolyarov obtain a fake passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Together with Stolyarov, Damir joined the gang (according to the investigation Kapkov Damir Aliulovich), who followed the victims before committing the murders. Kapkov has always worked in tandem with Stolyarov. On instructions from Piskarev, Lupichev met, participated in the "shooters", that is, in negotiations with members of other groups, followed the merchants with the aim of subsequent racketeering, and took a direct part in the murders. In all cases, Lupichev learned about the impending killings on the day they were committed. Nobody informed Lupichev and other members of the group in advance about the upcoming murders. Before the murder, each participant came from his home to the Burevestnik yacht club, where he received from Piskarev all the necessary information: where to follow, whom to kill or perform other actions, such as “surveillance”, preparation of the crime scene. The Yacht Club "Burevestnik" until a certain time was also the main resting place. The group committed a large number of murders, of which Lupichev took part in the murders of Mikhail Viktorovich Stepanov, Sergei Ivanovich Kormilin, Yan Veniaminovich Shepelenko, Oleg Nikolayevich Shchesnyak, Asin Maxim Alexandrovich and Potekhin Alexander Igorevich, Orlov Alexander Viktorovich and Poshkus Aleksey a the murder of Mikhail Sergeevich Pankin. Proceeding from the established practice of committing murders, Lupichev argued that not a single murder was committed alone, by one “killer”. When committing the murders, the members of the group used radio stations that Piskarev gave them in advance. At the direction of Piskarev, it was forbidden to use cell phones when committing crimes. The financing of the group was first carried out at the expense of funds received for the roof, that is, criminal patronage. Gradually, the merchants began to go bankrupt and stopped paying. Then Piskarev began to pay money to the members of the group from the profits received by the Skyfood firm under the leadership of Pirtskhalava GN.

Piskarev dealt with all issues of providing the group with weapons and ammunition. Aleksandrov was responsible for keeping weapons belonging to the group, and Lupichev helped him on his own initiative, although Piskarev did not instruct him to do so. The weapons stored on the territory of the Burevestnik yacht club were acquired by Piskarev or Fedoseev not later than the death of the latter. Part of the weapon Lupichev, Aleksandrov, Bezrukov S.A., Bezrukov A.A. and Fedoseev were buried on the territory of the yacht club. After that, Lupichev did not see the weapon until 2009, when Aleksandrov asked him to help clean the weapon. At that time, the weapon was already stored in a silver VAZ 2110 car, which was in the use of Bezrukov Syu. Before traveling to commit murders and in front of the "shooters", Piskarev gave out weapons to members of his gang, and then took them back. When Zemtsov was in the pre-trial detention center of the Vladimir region, someone brought from Zemtsov’s dacha two Scorpion submachine guns, two Mauser pistols and a small-caliber revolver "Nagan". Aleksandrov put this weapon in a common cache on the territory of the Burevestnik yacht club. Then, at the direction of Piskarev, Lupichev and Aleksandrov took two Scorpion assault rifles from the cache and left them in the army box (unified sealed body). The further fate of the machines is not known to Lupichev. On 12/05/2016, Lupichev met with Aleksandrov, who said that from Pirikhalava Georgy Nemovich he knew Piskarev’s request, transmitted through his lawyers, about the following. Lupichev had to come to the relatives of the murdered SA Bezrukov to find out if anyone had summoned them for interrogation. And Aleksandrov, according to Piskarev’s request, had to "destroy everything." What exactly Aleksandrov was supposed to destroy was not stated in the request, but Aleksandrov and Lupichev understood that it was necessary to destroy the weapon. "

And this is a transcript of the statements of Kostya Bolshoi Lupichev, recorded by the operatives. “During the conversation that took place before the confrontation, Piskarev reproached Lupichev for assisting the investigation in finding weapons and burying the corpses of Akhrameev and Shepelenko. "Why did you dig someone out there, I do not understand .. Weapons, machines, did you show them too?" “I remembered, damn it, twenty years ago. And you remembered everyone, everything in the indictment, damn it, remembered, ”“ no one would know about this, about everything, or say ”. After the confrontation, Piskarev in extremely emotional terms reproached Lupichev for his position, as evidenced by both the content of the conversation as a whole, and individual remarks of Piskarev: “I told Nixon that you were a creature (obscene)! He didn’t believe me ”,“ You said so. To cover your ass, you said everything! "," Nixon said to me: "Yes, the Dragon, but kill him, damn it, what would he tell something somewhere? Yes, what the fuck are you? He’s reinforced concrete, damn it! They will kill him, he will not say anything! ”,“ Why did you do all this? What are you talking about? Who made you? Did they pull you by force? I would say: "I don’t want to, I won’t!" Would leave "," You all tried to brag about which of you is the cooler bandit. Did I make you do all this? You came already, you were all like that. " Lupichev’s responses indicate that he has no intentions to slander Piskarev. (volume 49 sheets, sheets 205-218) ".

To be continued

Arseny Dronov

Источник: “https://rucriminal.info/en/material/vy-vse-pytalis-xvastat-kto-iz-vas-kruche-bandit”
