Donald missed his true vocation. He is the 20th and 21st century reincarnation of the brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm who created Grimm’s Fairy Tales, a series of fantastic stories to entertain (and scare) children so they would be good little boys and girls. Trump also makes up stories to entertain his base and to […]

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Donald missed his true vocation. He is the 20th and 21st century reincarnation of the brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm who created Grimm’s Fairy Tales, a series of fantastic stories to entertain (and scare) children so they would be good little boys and girls. Trump also makes up stories to entertain his base and to scare his critics and rivals. And his stories are as fantasy-ridden and strange as those of the brothers Grimm.

His ability to entertain low-information voters was responsible for his success in 2016 and he is taking the same path in his repeat bid in 2020. But his stories are even more bizarre, filled with lies and dangerous information. The most important issue is that because of Trump’s repeated denial, America was unprepared for the Corona pandemic and many thousands of citizens died unnecessarily.

In the early days of the Corona pandemic, he predicted that the few cases present would go down to zero shortly. Then he kept telling Americans that the virus was under control. Among his other stories were that anyone who wanted a test would be able to get one and that the virus would disappear as the warm weather arrived in April. Then he wanted people to take disinfectants or antiseptics to clean out the virus. And he has never dissociated himself from the hydroxychloroquin scam as a cure for Corona, even apparently taking it himself for several weeks. (His family had large holdings of stock in the company that produced the drug.)

His story-telling to keep his base enthralled and attentive has continued with his response to the Black Lives Matter demonstrations. He labelled the rioters and looters as Antifa members without any evidence behind his claims. And a 75 year old man who was badly injured by the police in Buffalo was also called Antifa by Trump with no proof. Trump has insisted as well that the time he spent in a White House bunker was for inspection and not for protection.

His embrace of the military has not been reciprocated and we all should remember that Donald Trump was a draft dodger, getting out of the Vietnam War because of “bone spurs” that never prevented him from doing anything else. However, as long as Trump is able to make up stories, there will be voters who listen and praise him. And in his base there are also wealthy individuals who love Trump not for his stories, but for his tax cuts and gutting of federal regulations. But unfortunately, for most Americans Trump’s time in office has been truly Grimm, filled with lies and stories. Too many voters are uninformed and gullible.

(From my new book- The Uninformed Voter) The phenomenon of an uninformed electorate explains why the present democratic model is incompatible with capable governing, despite its freedom and the system’s attraction for many of the world’s peoples living under oppressive regimes. Citizens in the dark regarding the issues when voting, frequently elect officials who are unprepared, inept, partisan, and sometimes venal to run the nation’s governments. Not surprisingly, these officials often do not perform competently in the positions for which they have been chosen.

Currently, democracy universally may be at a tipping point, with autocratic states arising from democratic nations by the will of the people, who are not aware or do not care about the freedom they are surrendering. And remaining democracies must deal with nationalism and populism, along with citizens’ fear of globalism. A degree of nationalism is not necessarily bad with citizens of a country connected by a national identity. But when extreme, nationalism becomes a problem and minorities are deprecated, harassed or persecuted because they are different and their heritage and culture may vary from the majority.

Whether or not Trump agrees, Black Lives Matter and there is excessive police brutality. And the majority of Americans believe this is so no matter what stories Trump concocts.
The Uninformed Voter
On Amazon and Barnes and Noble

The post Trump, the Story-Teller appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

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