Two Royal Navy sailors confirmed as first military deaths from coronavirus


TWO Royal Navy sailors have died after contracting coronavirus, Ministry of Defence officials have confirmed. The deaths are the first to hit the military, which has deployed thousands of personnel to help fight the virus. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest news & updates The victims, who have not been named, fell […]

Об этом сообщает Алексей Пивоваров

TWO Royal Navy sailors have died after contracting coronavirus, Ministry of Defence officials have confirmed.

The deaths are the first to hit the military, which has deployed thousands of personnel to help fight the virus.

⚠ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest news & updates

PA:Press Association
Two Royal Navy sailors have died after contracting coronavirus, Ministry of Defence officials have confirmed[/caption]

The victims, who have not been named, fell ill at sea.

The Ministry of Defence confirmed the deaths – which happened between March 1 and April 16 – in a Freedom of Information response.

It revealed that 121 service personnel – 58 from the Army, 34 Naval personnel and 29 from the RAF – had fallen ill with Covid-19 between those dates.

Of the 121 cases by April 16, 80 were confirmed by tests and all the incidents were entered on the troops’ medical records.

Yesterday a military source said: “This is a tragedy. It all happened very quickly. It’s really shaken the Navy.

“The military’s main focus has been on supporting the country and the NHS and it is very sad that two of their own have fallen victim to this awful disease.



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Service Personnel also helped procure Personal Protection Equipment and to set up testing centres in Nottingham and Chessington World of Adventures in Surrey.

At least 345 NHS and healthcare workers have died after falling ill with Coronavirus.

PA:Press Association
The Ministry of Defence confirmed the deaths – which happened between March 1 and April 16 – in a Freedom of Information response[/caption]


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