Tory councillor suspended for sharing post saying BAME people should be deported

Robin Vickery has been suspended while an investigation takes place

Robin Vickery claims he was unaware the racist message was part of a thread he posted.

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Robin Vickery has been suspended while an investigation takes place
Robin Vickery has been suspended while an investigation takes place

A Tory councillor has been suspended after sharing a Facebook post calling for BAME people to be deported.

Robin Vickery claims he was unaware the racist message was part of a thread he posted.

He also shared a post asking why there were not mass protests when Lee Rigby was murdered, despite the fusilier’s mother asking people not to use his death against the Black Lives Matter movement.

The message Mr Vickery, from Ipswich, shared said: ‘Considering that BAME people don’t get effected [sic] by Covid-19 in Africa and Asia but we are told they are disproportionately effected in the UK.

‘Is it time to deport them for their own safety. I mean we wouldn’t want anything happening to Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott now would we?’

The Conservative Party has launched an investigation into his posts, and he could be expelled from the party if found to have posted the message intentionally.

Tory councillor suspended for racism Robin Vickery
Caption: Tory councillor suspended for racism Robin Vickery

Local Tory MP Dan Poulter told the East Anglian Daily Times: ‘There is no place for racism or prejudice in public life. Robin Vickery has posted a number of images and comments which show poor judgement, and which individually and collectively appear to be racist.

‘The right course of action is for the matter to be fully investigated and I have passed across the messages to the Conservative Party for further investigation so that appropriate action can be taken.’

Mr Vickery told the paper: ‘If I have caused offence with these reposts I am very sorry. That was not my intention.’

He said he had decided not to seek reelection to either the county council or the borough council.

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