The Moscow state construction supervision revealed rampant violations of the company Andrei…

Big trouble waiting in the near future MITS-groups Andrei Ryabinsky and Alexander Kopylkov. According to documents at the disposal the Moscow state construction supervision revealed gross violations of the legislation on objects built MIC. Save absolutely everything, including fire safety and load-bearing structures. As a result, the quality of residential buildings leaves much to be desired. And this despite the fact that one of the largest «customers» of the Mitz is Regardie. However, what is happening Ryabinsky did not bother. If anything, he and his family had long since settled in London.    

As follows from the materials which have amended in accordance with Moscow Govement resolution dated 16.06.2011 No. 272-PP of the state construction supervision Committee of Moscow is an Executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized to carry out the state construction supervision. On the basis of the order of mosgosstroynadzor in the spring of 2019, a series of on — site inspections was carried out against LLC «Management company «group of companies «MITS», which carries out construction on capital construction projects-multi-storey residential buildings located in the NAO of Moscow, including on the Kaluga highway, near the settlements of Tupikovo, Stolbovo, etc.. As a result, Mosgosstroynadzor revealed very serious violations. Let us list only some of them.  «In violation of the project cipher: 09-2016-B-5-PB volume 9″ Measures to ensure fire safety » sheet 23 floor corridors of the ground part of the building are less than 1.5 meters wide; 2 . In violation of project code: 09-2016-IN-5-POS Chapter 6 «the Project of organization of construction» sheet 44, p. 392 PPR No. 390 simultaneously with the erection of the building not being installed under the project of the system of inteal fire water.»

Also, auditors found that «excavation and in-situ work performed in the buffer zone of existing utilities (cables) without permission from the operators of these communications». Moreover, there were violations in the construction of the main structures. So, » instead of three monolithic walls 1500 mm long mounted on two walls 1400 mm long and two 900 mm from the basement to the 2nd floor.»


1.         In violation of project stage II cipher No04/16 GCA-AND-EPR-K4-rsegment the K04.1 sheet 04 plan 2 storey in axes 3-4/K is specified holes and in the project stage R cipher 04/16-GCA-AND-EPR-K4-QL 1 segment 4.1 sheet 09ul holes in the same axis offset», — it is told in caught up in documents .  

On tens of the revealed violations acts were drawn up, sent to MITS for correction. However, in the company of Ryabinsky and Kopylkov, the instructions of mosgosstroynadzor were simply ignored. This was shown by the new on-site inspections of the facilities of LLC «Management company» group of companies «MITS», held in the summer of 2019. As a result, acts on administrative offenses were drawn up.

According to experts interviewed by such neglect of erected MITS residential buildings and safety of residents is extremely alarming. Recall also that in recent years the structure of Ryabinsky and Kopilcova received from Regardie, headed by Viktor Zolotov, on public contracts 3.2 billion rubles. All orders received from the Federal State Institution «1 the Center of the customer-Builder of National Guard Troops» (FGKU «1Цзз of National Guard Troops»). «Mitz» pledged to deliver to the soldiers of «Regardie» hundreds of apartments.

The cooperation of the MIC with Regardie is surprising not only because of the quality of the objects erected by the MIC, but also because of the very peculiar other partners of Ryabinsky.  As we have already told, the list of authoritative business partners of Andrey Ryabinsky for the Russian law enforcement agencies is not a secret for a long time. The leader of the Podolsk OPS Sergei Lalkin (Onion), the leader of balashikhinskiy OPS Anatoly Petrov (Peter), the leader of the solntsevskaya OPS Sergey Mikhailov (Mihas).

However, Andrey Ryabinsky for a long time no issues not afraid of. According to sources in recent years he regularly sends profits to England, whose citizens are his wife and daughter. Ryabinsky himself also spends most of his time with his family in London, where everyone is ready for a possible final move.

 To be continued

Timothy Grishin
